I was hoping to squeeze in a 20-30 miler between severe weather watches tonight, but alas it wasn't meant to be. As it turns out fenders are more for protecting you from the rain after it has hit the ground and pooled already. They really don't do much to ease the stuff approaching you at about 30 mph, from the left, falling parallel to the ground. I have water in my ear. After I got blinded for the third time by the horizontal rain and blown into the curb, I decided to tuck my tail and head home. It was the longest 150 yards I had ever ridden. Oh well. The day wasn't a total loss though; my feet are still throbbing from my lunchtime run.
On other, non-weather related fronts, I lost my bid for son of the year today. Well technically I guess I lost on it Sunday, when I failed to even call my mom to wish her a Happy Birthday. It's a good thing I'm still her little baby boy, and so damned cute, or I might be in trouble. My poor older sister, she actually has to do stuff like send cards, and call occasionally, not this charmer.
I did actually get on the scale this morning as promised. 209.2 Burrito's.